Rachel Day
Monday - Friday 2pm- 6pm
Monday - Friday 2pm- 6pm

Rachel Day
Hometown? Stettler, the heart of Alberta! Do the Rachel Day tour if you ever go through…which is just where you stop by Bloke’s Bakery and buy every Cream John they have.
Favourite NOW! radio memory? I mean, is there a better memory than when Stevie Nicks called my show, gave me tickets to her concert, dedicated a song to me on stage and then invited me to meet her afterwards?????
Karaoke go-to song? Anything Disney. Ginge and I do a killer version of “A Whole New World”.
The messiest room in your house? All of them. I have 3 children.
Weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten? Goat. But not on purpose. I was drunk in Jamaica and it just happened.